Materials List:
What's Gotten Into You?
For demonstration (one time set-up/use):
- 1 large, clear jar (large mayonnaise or pickle jars with wide mouths work well)
- 1 white or light-colored, thin sponge (cut in half)
- 1 eyedropper
- Water
- Sand (enough to fill jar about 1/2 of the way)
- 2 cups gravel (enough for approximately a 1" layer)
- Red food coloring
For preparation of "contamination" (for all groups to share):
- 2-3 gallons of water
- ½ cup sugar
- ½ cup salt
- ¼ cup black pepper
- 1 cup white vinegar
- 1 cup baking soda
- 1/8 cup dish soap
- 30 medium-sized, transparent, plastic cups or beakers
Each group should have:
- 2 white carnations
- 2 6" strips of masking tape
- 1 index card (to be used in advance by the teacher)
- Scissors
- 2 different colors of food coloring (groups may share)
- Teaspoon and tablespoon measuring spoons (or have several of each for groups to share)
- 2 cups water
- 3 copies of the What's Gotten Into You? – Data Contamination Sheet