Materials List:
Composting – Nature's Disappearing Act
Each group needs:
- 2-liter bottle, cut in half so the bottom half can serve as a stand to hold the top half turned upside down
- 3 cups soil; garden soil works best; avoid using potting soil because it does not have all of the organisms and bacteria that help with decomposition
- ¾ cup water
- 1 sheet paper, torn into small pieces; recycled paper or newspaper works
- 2 lettuce leaves, torn into small pieces
- 1 apple, sliced or diced into small pieces
- 2-3 plastic food containers, such as yogurt cups; cut into small pieces about ½ inch squares
- rubber or latex gloves, one pair per student
- 2 spoons or Popsicle sticks
- measuring cups, in sizes: 1 cup, ½ cup, ¼ cup
- masking tape, 6-inch strip
- marker or pen
- Nature's Disappearing Act Worksheet, one per student
For the entire class to share:
- 2 extras of the group landfill model setups, to serve as experimental controls
- rags, paper towels, broom, dustbin, sink - for clean up