Materials List:
This Landfill Is a Gas!
Needed for the demonstration:
- 2-liter plastic beverage bottle
- 1 standard party balloon
- ½ cup of raw ground beef
- 2 lettuce leaves, torn into small pieces
- 2 tbsp. sand, such as playground or landscaping sand
- 2 tbsp. water
- small length of string of any type, to tie around the bottle opening
- 3-4 inches of duct tape, to secure balloon around bottle opening
For the activity, each group needs:
- 2-liter plastic beverage bottle
- 1 tennis ball-sized mound of modeling clay; enough to line the inside of the top half of the 2-liter bottle
- 3 cups of soil
- ¾ cup water
- ½ sheet of paper, torn into small pieces; tip: use recycled paper from Activity 1 or newspaper
- 2 lettuce leaves, torn into small pieces
- 1 apple, sliced/diced into small pieces
- 2-3 plastic food containers, cut into small pieces about ½ inch square; tip: use empty butter or yogurt containers
- 8 pairs of rubber or latex gloves, 2 pair per student
- 2 spoons or popsicle sticks
- set of measuring cups, specifically, 1 cup, ½ cup and ¼ cup sizes
- 4 inches of masking tape, for labeling landfills