Materials List:
Groundwater Detectives
Each group needs:
- 6 strips of wide-range pH paper (litmus paper); it is typical to find 100 strips for less than $5 at chemical supply companies such as Auspex Scientific
- 7 numbered small plastic cups for samples
- plastic spoon for mixing
- Finding Pollution Worksheet, one per student
- 12-inch ruler
For the class to share:
Part I
- 6 Ziploc® bags or plastic bins
- ~12 cups of playground sand
- 1 marker or Sharpie®
- 1 roll of masking tape
- 6 teaspoons
- 1 container of unsweetened powdered lemonade mix
- 6 soil samples made from sand and lemonade mix; see the preparation instructions in the Procedure section
- jug of water
Part II
- 1 bottle of vegetable oil
- 1 box of baking soda
- 1 bag of (any-sized) cotton balls
- 6-10 coffee filters (any size, kind)
- 6-10 plastic spoons
- 1 bottle of liquid dishwashing soap (any kind)
- (optional) dirt, cocoa or food coloring to make the sample look "muddy"
- (optional) plastic disposable gloves