Materials List:
How Much Heat Will It Hold?
Each group needs:
- 2 thermometers
- 1 250–300 ml beaker or small jar
- 1 container to hold small beakers/jars (cake pans or larger jars work well)
- How Much Heat Will It Hold? Worksheet, one per student
For the entire class to share:
- any of the following materials, a different one for each group: sand, water, shredded paper, shredded Styrofoam, cloth, or powdered materials such as Sakrete (concrete), plaster or finely crushed rock; permit students to also bring from home specific materials the teacher approves for testing
- hot water (~85°C), enough for each group to fill large jars
- ice water, enough for each group to fill large jars
- 2 large beakers, cans, dishpans or other containers (for cold and hot water control setup)
- measuring cups (or jars with 200 ml level marked)
- masking tape
- markers