Materials List:
Stations of Light
- slinky (optional demonstration; see Introduction/Motivation section)
- Light Energy Worksheet, 1 per student
The materials at each station are re-usable for an unlimited number of teams. The total cost for four stations is ~$20.
Station 1: Bending Light
- 1 clear plastic bowl (deep enough to show refraction)
- 1 plastic ruler or pencil or popsicle stick (or any straight object that can get wet)
- tap water (to fill the bowl)
Station 2: Lens and Light
- magnifying glass (1 or more)
- paper with words or pictures on it
Station 3: Prism Rainbows
- 1-5 prisms (can be assorted sizes) (available in science supply catalogs or websites, or hobby stores)
- 1 light source (such as: overhead projector, slide projector, sunlight through opening in window shades, flashlight)
- Visible Light Spectrum (visual aid)
- Dispersion Angle through a Prism (visual aid)
Station 4: Polarized Light
- two pairs of polarized sunglasses
- piece of plastic polarized film (purchase at a hardware store)