Materials List:
Build a Toy Workshop
Each group needs:
- 10 Popsicle or wooden craft sticks
- 10 plastic drinking straws
- 1 pair of scissors
- 5 notecards
- 1 small electric motor (available online, such as the 1.5 to 3VDC hobby motor at
- 2 wheel and axle sets (available online, such as at Kidder,
- 2 sets of gears (available online, such as at Kidder or Science Kit,
- 1 rubber band
- 3 paperclips
- 2 feet (.6 m) thin insulated wire
- 2 AA batteries
- 1 ruler
- 3 sheets of paper
- 1 set of markers
- 4 magnets
- masking tape
- toy money (such as Monopoly money)