Materials List:
Design Step 7:
Improve and Redesign/Manufacture a Product
Improve and Redesign/Manufacture a Product
Each group needs:
- graphing paper
- pencils
- rulers
- sticky notes
- Evaluation Rubric, for group to see and teacher to fill out
Materials and tools for the entire class to share will vary, depending on the project topic. Suggestions:
- foam core
- balsa wood
- plywood
- sheet plastic
- cardstock
- wooden or metal dowels
- craft utility knives
- rulers (if using utility knives, metal-edge rulers work best)
- cutting surface, such as plastic board, kitchen cutting board or back of newsprint pad
- hot glue and hot glue gun
- epoxy (if binding metal or plastic)
- scrap materials (have students scavenge or ask for donations)
- hardware (nuts, bolts, screws, hinges, fasteners, wire)
- machining tools (drills, saws, sanders)
- (optional) overhead projector with transparencies of Types of Engineering Drawings, Engineering Drawing Components and Evaluation Rubric