Materials List:
Sudsy Cells
Each group needs:
- log sheet
- 2 sterile cotton swabs
- 2 Petri dishes with nutrient media (Note: the Petri dishes are sold in packs of 10 through Carolina Biological. If you have access to an autoclave (a machine that sterilizes solutions and tools using high temperature and pressure), it is less expensive to make your own media. However, it is much easier and less time consuming to buy the already-prepared nutrient media.)
- Sudsy Cells Worksheet
To share with the entire class:
- bar soap (any type; least expensive is okay)
- liquid hand soap (any type; least expensive is okay)
- liquid dish soap (any type; least expensive is okay)
- anti-bacterial soap (any type; least expensive is okay)
- hand sanitizer (any type; least expensive is okay)
- magnifying glass (optional)
- bowl of water (for teacher demonstration)
- pepper shaker (for teacher demonstration)