Materials List:
Repairing Broken Bones
For the teacher's introductory presentation:
- Bone Repair Challenge (ppt)
- computer and LCD projector to show a PowerPoint presentation (or make overhead transparencies of the PPT file and use an overhead projector)
Each group needs:
- 1 turkey femur (drumstick)
- safety glasses or goggles, one per student
- other supplies, depending on group design (see below)
- Repairing Broken Bones Design Worksheet, one per person
For the entire class to share:
[Note: These supplies depend on student designs, so wait to purchase them after designs are finalized.]
- ~1 yard (~1 m), half-inch diameter steel or aluminum rod
- ~20 metal screws (suggestion: 10 half-inch long plus 10 one-inch long)
- epoxy
- metal strip (sold in coils at hardware stores, usually with plumbing supplies; already has screw holes in it)
- 1-2 extra turkey bones
- other materials or supplies that students include in their designs
Suggested tools:
[Use any of these items that are accessible; a machine shop may have some items]
- drill (a drill press is preferred, but a hand drill is okay)
- hack saw
- screw driver
- (optional) tile drill bit (makes drilling into bone easier and less likely to crack)