Materials List:
Sounds All Around
For the introductory demonstration, the teacher needs:
- ear trumpet images to show students (either print out pictures or overhead transparencies, or view website images; recommend sources: Hearing Aid Museum website at or Phisick's Antique Ear Trumpet Gallery available through the Deafness and Hearing website: )
- overhead projector
- clear tub of water and various sized pebbles or marbles, to demonstrate wave propagation
Each group needs:
- scissors
- masking tape, 20 cm
- cotton balls, 2 large
- office or construction paper, 4 sheets
- blindfold
- Shhh... Do You Hear That? Worksheet, one per person
- Sounds All Around Design & Evaluation Worksheet, one per person
For the entire class to share:
- roll of paper towels
- assorted raw materials from which teams can design their own ear trumpets, such as plastic soda bottles, disposable cups, cardboard tubes, tubing and plastic sheets, as described next
- 6-8 plastic soda bottles with the bottoms cut off; get the 360 ml (12 oz) size
- 6-8 each, cups made of Styrofoam, plastic and paper; get the 180-240 ml (6-8 oz) size
- 6-8 cardboard tubes from paper towel or toilet paper rolls
- 4-6 segments clear rubber tubing, 0.7 cm inner diameter, 50-80 cm length
- 4-6 segments plastic tubing, 1.5 cm inner diameter, 10-15 cm length
- 4-6 pliable plastic sheets, 15 cm x 12 cm, available at craft stores; alternatively, use blank overhead transparency sheets
- (optional) 4 funnels of various sizes; plastic works best