Materials List:
Let’s Build an Aqueduct!
Each group needs:
- 40 Popsicle sticks
- 30 half-inch cube blocks; such as a bag of 100 half-inch blocks for $5 from Woodworks Ltd.
- long water channel, about 3-feet long; for example, use long, plastic hot wheels tracks or premade wooden channels and hot glue to connect the channels; length is up to the teacher, but 3 feet is a good starting point
- laser pointer
- yardstick
- 12-inch ruler
- calculators
- paper and pencils
- hot glue gun and glue sticks
- 1 wooden baseboard that is 6-12 inches wide x the water channel length
- measuring cup and water, to carry water that is poured into the aqueduct
- cup or bucket, to catch water at the end of the aqueduct
- Arch Calculations Worksheet, one per group
- How to Build an Arch Handout, one per group
- (optional) plastic bag or box, in which to contain each group’s materials, for easy distribution