Materials List:
Turning the Air Upside Down
Demo 1: Warm Air is Less Dense than Cool Air
- 1 empty, two-liter plastic bottle
- 1 balloon
- 1 large bowl
- Hot water
- Ice
Student Activity: Spinning Snakes
- Spinning Snake Worksheet, 1 per student
- Scissors, 1 per student
- Thread
- Colored pencils, crayons, markers, etc.
Demo 2: Convection Current Model
- 2 aquariums (or very large glass jars/beakers)
- 2 small plastic bags with strong seals
- Dark-colored food coloring
- Bowl (to mix water, ice and food coloring)
- 1 long straight pin
- 1 long-handled spoon or ladle
- Water
- Ice cubes
- Hot plate/microwave/stove (optional; required only if tap water is not hot enough)
- Pan or cooking container (optional; to heat water on hot plate/microwave/stove)