Materials List:
Air Quality and Particulate Matter
Per student:
Per group:
- Part 1: Make Wind Streamer:
- Light-weight streamer material (e.g., crepe paper, ribbons, paper strips, etc.) cut into 3’ strips
- Paper plate
- Ruler
- hole punch (or scissors used by teacher)
- Markers or crayons
- Compass to determine north
- Part 2: Make PM Catcher (per student):
- Notecards (3”x5”)
- Round solid object less than 3” in diameter to trace a circle onto the notecard (option to pre-trace for younger students)
- Hole punch (or scissors used by teacher)
- 12” pieces of string or yarn
- Permanent marker
- Petroleum jelly
- Clear packing tape
- Hand lens or magnifying glass
- Part 3: Wind and PM Data Collection:
- Pencil
- Datasheet
- Wind Streamer (per team)
- PM 2.5 daily reading for school location (or nearest area)
- Part 4: Analyze Wind & PM Data Table and PM Catcher, and Class Reflection:
- Wind and PM data table (datasheet section 2)
- PM Catcher and PM Catcher grid (datasheet section 3)
- Hand lens