Materials List:
Let's Make Silly Putty
Each group needs:
- 3 Dixie cups (small, wax-coated paper cups)
- pen or marker, to label cups
- 1 glass stirring rod
- 1 10 mL graduated cylinder
- 3 paper plates
- 1 meter stick
- Silly Putty Worksheet, one per student
To share with the entire class:
- 1 box borax, also known as saturated sodium tetraborate (Na2B4O7•10 H2O) (available in the laundry aisles of grocery stores)
- 1 liter 4% polyvinyl alcohol (available at chemical supply companies, such as VWR or Fisher Scientific)
- 1 gallon white glue, such as Elmer's Glue
- liquid food coloring
- 1 gallon distilled water