Materials List:
Seeing the World through a Different Lens
- penny
- tape
- zipper / jacket with zipper
- a few pairs of latex gloves or any other thin pair of gloves
- shirt / coat with buttons
- child-proof medicine bottles
- eye chart
- 3 pairs of eyeglasses (old, unwanted pairs are best)
- picture for puzzle (see instructions in Procedure section)
- guitar case and/or large suitcase or a big cardboard box
- large books that can be dropped
- brooms (2-4)
- stopwatch
- sticky notes
- assistive and adaptive devices to show during the activity introduction, such as a tool for buttoning shirts, specialized eating utensils, remote controls or telephones with huge numbers/buttons, or containers approved by the Arthritis Foundation, for example the Folger's AromaSeal Canister (look for items with their symbol)
- wheelchair (2 if convenient)
- crutches (2-5 sets of various sizes)
Crutches, wheelchairs and assistive/adaptive devices may be obtained through the school nurse's office or by requesting donations via a local newspaper, church program or Craig's List (online). Many families have unused wheelchairs or crutches and are happy to donate or loan them to a good cause. Extra wheelchairs and crutches can later be made available to school nurses or medical clinics in your area.